Friday, April 13, 2007

Giant Pixel Board

This show is very would be fun to re-create this on a smaller scale maybe.

Really cool art exhibit

These artists created a fur coat using living cells and special equipment. They gave out instructions at the show on how to make your own.

Cool Sculptures

This is pretty interactive...since they look so real and...morbid.

Cardboard Sound Box

A sound box made out of cardboard.

Women to Rule new town

In China, there is going to be a town that is entirely run by women, and men are the ones that have to work for them and follow their rules. I bet it will become the best town in the world. No war.

Mona Lisa in MS Paint

This is more awesome than anythine else ever.


Breathing Earth

This shows births, deaths, and Co2 emissions all over the world. It claims it's in real time.